Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Norman Hui, Gary Meggitt et al: The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong, Issue 64 (LexisNexis)

The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong 
Norman Hui, Gary Meggitt et al
Issue 64
Published in May 2022
The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong is an unrivaled text on professional conduct and ethics in Hong Kong, providing in-depth analysis on the application of the Bar Code, the Prosecution Code and the Solicitor's Guide to Professional Conduct  This 5 binder looseleaf title is intended to provide up-to-date information, discussion, and a thorough analysis of the practice, principle, and regulation of the legal profession in Hong Kong. Legal practitioners, be it solicitors, barristers, the judiciary, government officials, prosecutors, in-house counsel, foreign and overseas lawyers or students, have become particularly susceptible to the interplay of regulation with professional responsibility considerations when taking up the task of advising and representing clients. The text is aimed at assisting practitioners to stay alert of duties and responsibilities, and understand and maintain the high standards of conduct that is expected of the legal profession in Hong Kong.

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