Thursday, January 4, 2024

Richard Cullen on How the Chinese diaspora paved the way for BRI (Fridayeveryday)

"How the Chinese diaspora paved the way for BRI"
Richard Cullen
Published online: October 2023

The biggest international trading venture in world history is 10 years old. 

But there’s an extraordinary tale behind the Belt and Road Initiative, or BRI. 

And that’s the story of the exceptional Chinese Diaspora experience, which laid the foundations for the infrastructure project’s success.  

This Chinese macro-migration endeavor, individual by individual, long predates the remarkable BRI, which is, today, measurably retracing the diaspora’s pioneering footsteps. Richard Cullen reports.

THIS YEAR, CHINA and the world are witnessing the 10th anniversary of the inauguration of the Belt and Road Initiative. The BRI is not a perfect success story, of course: nothing on this extraordinary scale could be. But the complications, obstacles and deficiencies have been worked-on as they have materialized.

Moreover, its overall positive, public infrastructure achievements, not least in Africa, have been extraordinary – and all secured within the span of a decade...Please click here for full article.

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