The Rule of Law Education (ROLE) Project is a Knowledge Exchange initiative of the Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, that started in 2012. Its main purpose is to enable a fruitful exchange of rule of law concepts between HKU law students and secondary school teachers and students. In the academic year 2017-2018, ROLE successfully reached 29 schools and about 4,690 students.
Based on the content of the official Liberal Studies (LS) syllabus, ROLE continued to offer topic-based seminar to LS teachers. Forty LS teachers attended our seminar entitled 'Current Challenges to the Rule of Law in Hong Kong 2018'. We have established a regular seminar series for LS teachers.
This year, ROLE extended its reach to civil society groups. We offered the “Rule of Law and Hong Kong Society”, a four-session course, to civil society group members in September to October 2017. Seventy individuals from 16 organizations registered for the course. Inspired by the course, we organized the “Rule of Law Day” event. Many attendees of the course helped in the “Rule of Law Day”. Twenty-nine civil society group members teamed up with 35 HKU law students to set up 10 street stations across Hong Kong. They distributed rule of law pamphlets to persons on the street and engaged them in interactive questions and answers at the street stations. Our HKU law students and civil society group members exchanged ideas about the rule of law and its implementation in actual practices. Together, they reached over 5,500 individuals.
We expanded cooperation with more schools in 2017-18. In response to the newly implemented requirement on Basic Law Education in secondary schools, we focused our seminar topics on the Basic Law this year. The website was also revamped and now provides useful information on the four essential aspects of rule of law: (1) existence of law; (2) regulation by law; (3) limitation from law; and (4) justice through law.
This year, ROLE extended its reach to civil society groups. We offered the “Rule of Law and Hong Kong Society”, a four-session course, to civil society group members in September to October 2017. Seventy individuals from 16 organizations registered for the course. Inspired by the course, we organized the “Rule of Law Day” event. Many attendees of the course helped in the “Rule of Law Day”. Twenty-nine civil society group members teamed up with 35 HKU law students to set up 10 street stations across Hong Kong. They distributed rule of law pamphlets to persons on the street and engaged them in interactive questions and answers at the street stations. Our HKU law students and civil society group members exchanged ideas about the rule of law and its implementation in actual practices. Together, they reached over 5,500 individuals.
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